The Desi Dream Space

you are free to create and dream beyond societal and self-judgment because there is no one right way to be Desi
get away from the noise and uncover how to be a steward of your dreams and break cyclescurated by Feminist Healing & Life Coach Nisha Modyopen to South Asian women, femmes, trans women, non-binary, and gender non-conforming folksmy (unapologetic) ramble about being Desi

Who is this for?

The Desi Dream Space is for you if you....- never cared to conform to the norm
- felt like your creativity was squashed and wonder if you have anything to offer
- worked so hard to achieve validation through career, status, family approval, and doing all the "right" things but are not experiencing the reward
- feel like you haven't always belonged in Desi groups or weren't Desi "enough"
- experienced so much control from family that it's scary to think about doing what you want
- want collaborative community with other Desis after feeling like you've always had to compete
- hear so much noise in your life that you can't hear yourself

- are willing to dive into the unknown

I created this space because I know I'm not alone.

My creativity always came second, I have been triggered by "log kya kahenge", I have danced around other people's ideas of WHO and HOW I need to be, I have wondered if I wasn't Desi enough, and my relationship with conforming is...complicated.Then I started to write about my life and speak up about what mattered to me. And all the unexpected things happened! Here I am with my own business, happily divorced, collaborating with other rad Desis, writing creative non-fiction, and not giving af about getting married or having kids.Your story might be different, and that's why we need it.I dreamed this up because this is what I wish I had on my journey.

we will co-create space through a 4-part dream cycle:

a cycle graphic with four arrows. The arrow on top says "attention". The next arrow says "intention". The next arrow says "surrender". The next arrow says "integration".


What are you not hearing?
Where your attention goes, your energy flows. Dreams are easily drowned out by noise of the "shoulds", others' expectations, and daily tasks. It's hard to pay attention to what's already here for you and within you. We'll focus on paying attention to what you might not be hearing.

month 2: intention

What do you want?
Having an intention is having a desire on purpose without attachment to the outcome. It's a gentle anchor that opens up non-linear creation and dream spaces. We will focus on your intention(s) and the resulting possibilities.

month 3: surrender

Can you want that thing and detach from it?
Having a desire and letting go of the outcome is HARD. That's why we get to surrender together. Let's talk about what it means to surrender, how we can do it, and co-create a community surrender practice!

month 4: integration

What will you take with you?
Integration allows you to make practices and rituals automatic so your body remembers. In the last moments of our togetherness, we will remember together and create ways to continue dreaming and creating after we depart The Desi Dream Space.

more details

- Expect dreamy activities, reflection, and warm connection.- We start April 4 and end July 18. We meet the first and third Tuesday of each month at 5pm PT/8pm ET for 60-75 minutes with a few exceptions.- One-time cost of $111 (yes only $111 🤩).- Access an online community for connection, reflection, and dream sharing! Replays will be provided.- Pop in to the open house on 3/19 or 3/26 from 11am-1pm PT/2pm-4pm ET if you have questions or just wanna meet!This is open to South Asian women, femmes, trans women, non-binary, and gender non-conforming folksemail me with questions: [email protected]

a cycle graphic with four arrows. The arrow on top says "attention". The next arrow says "intention". The next arrow says "surrender". The next arrow says "integration".

Hi! I'm Nisha.

I'm a Feminist Healing & Life Coach who always tried to find legitimacy through my careers (I've had 5!) before I found my calling to coach, facilitate, and speak about the deep stuff connected to emotions, relationships, sensations, purpose, creativity, and the Earth. Check out my website, and follow me on Instagram @healinghypegirl.

Follow me on socials, check out my website, or email me with questions.